Thursday, May 31, 2012

GDD (Foreword)

In the initial GDD I wrote I was limited by time. This meant less time researching which resulted in poor examples and references.

When I presented the document to colleagues I was forced to answer some obvious questions I did not have the answers to. This, in turn, lead to a questionnaire I created to find the most common queries about my design.

At the bottom of the document I answer the 4 most common questions in point form; being:
What do I, the player, see and do while I am playing the game?
How do I interact with the game world?
What is my perspective in the game?
What will I actually be spending my time doing?

I also posted my document to a private gamers forum I was a member of. In less than 24 hours I received a reply email with an edited version of my GDD. This edited version was full of underlines in parts which lacked detail.

With this new criticism I can now work toward a GDD with better construction and less unanswered questions.
Most importantly, these critiques have shone a new light on what I hope will be an epic design.

Enjoy reading my initial proposal.

Click here to go to the GDD (Game Design Document)

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